Call Us: (480) 788-8191

Business Hours: M – F 8am – 5pm

Our Company

AZ Trimlight » Our Company

Our Story

How Trimlight Started

In 2010, Trimlight was founded by Ryan Whittaker. Tired of putting up and taking down lights every year, he designed the trimlight we see today. He wanted a lighting solution that would withstand any weather as well as stand up against the sun’s UV rays. All while being as seamless in your home as possible. We gained patent # 8,926,118 on our trimlighting system and took off from there. Now, Trimlight has dealers across the U.S. and Canada. The permanent LED light solution has improved over time as technology has advanced, so we can’t wait to see what else is in store for all of Trimlight.

Our Expertise

AZ Trimlight Team

In 2016, Trimlight made it to the valley! We were the first Trimlight dealers in the area at the time, so most people didn’t know what Trimlight was. Now, we have lit up hundreds of homes across the valley and some homes and businesses in the Northern parts of Arizona. ​Our owners are Dan and Jodee Brinkerhoff, and they have expanded their crew along the way. Right now, we have multiple installation teams, several estimators, and a small office staff. We hope to grow a larger staff over time to help light up the valley even more.